I've had Judique now for almost five months now. I can finally say that I am getting to know my puppy.
No matter what breed you have, every dog has a unique personality. Breed can certainly give you some general qualities that you can expect. But don't expect every dog of the same breed or litter to act exactly the same, have the same temperament or energy level.
My puppy is a Samoyed/Husky mix. Both breeds are known for their friendliness, stubbornness and high energy.
Generally she has seemed true to her breed regarding how she gets along with people and other dogs. She loves meeting people of all ages. And she is very friendly with all dogs she's met so far.
She can be quite stubborn and selfish. She wants what she wants and when she wants it! And when she's following a command she doesn't want to do, she blows out of her nose, like she's huffing. It's kind of cute actually but I don't let her know that.
She is medium to high energy. It's certainly possible to tire her out. A trip to the local dog park usually knocks her out for the rest of the day! On other days she goes for four walks a day and gets play time with her older brother Bear, who is 12 years old. My oldest dog Mika is almost 15 years old and cannot keep up with puppy play.
She loves getting her tummy rubbed. Sometimes you just have to walk towards and she gets in optimum belly rubbing position. And brushing her calms her down most of the time. She is quite good at amusing herself with a toy and is extra proud when she gets hold of Bear's stuffed frog.
She doesn't have a huge appetite and rarely finishes what's in her bowl, especially in the morning. When she wants to finish it she'll sit in the kitchen. She is great for sleeping in late on the weekend. Everything amazes her, but I think that must be a puppy trait. And while she's improving on leash, she still pulls extra hard when she needs to find just the right spot to go the bathroom. Her senses are so sharp, especially compared to my two senior dogs.
I am trying different training methods to see which she responds to the best. So far it's been a mixture of positive reinforcement and corrective methods. If something isn't working, I'll try something different. All methods have merit but there's no rule saying you have to follow just one. Do what works. Consistent leadership, repetition and patience will mold her into an amazing dog.
Getting to know her has been interesting and enlightening. She really is a sweet dog.
I hope all you out there with puppies are enjoying your journey and learning a lot about your puppy.
I have written a small list of reasons you may not have already thought of for why you should take your dog to the groomer on a regular schedule.
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This post is timeless. Reminded of my Frenchie.