Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Dogs are good for our health

We love our dogs and our dogs love us back, in more ways than one. They are also improving our health. Recently there have been more studies and information on the health benefits of having a dog in your life.

Dogs Improve Your Mood

I don't know about you, but I find it very hard to be in a bad mood when I have a tail wagging at me, or those big brown eyes full of love and devotion looking up at me. It makes my heart swell just being around my dogs. And I'm not alone. Petting a dog can put a smile on anybody's face.

Dogs Reduce Your Blood Pressure

There have been studies saying that petting a dog can actually reduce stress and lower blood pressure. Dogs live in the moment. They don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. When we are with our dogs, they allow us to live in the moment with them.

Dogs Increase Your Activity Level

When you have a dog or dogs in your life, you are guaranteed to increase your activity level. Walking is the most common form of exercise we do with our dogs. But some dogs also make great jogging and/or swimming partners. And most of us could pitch for a major league baseball team with all the practice we get at throwing balls! And let's not forget good old fashioned playing. Everything we do with our dogs keeps us young at heart, agile and healthier.

Dogs Improve Your Social Life

Dogs have this way of bringing people together. Most people are naturally drawn to dogs and often will spark up a conversation with someone walking with a dog. This is especially true in your neighbourhood. You are exposed to people every day and often conversations will naturally occur with them over time. You never know, you may develop a friendship with someone. Or at the very least discover some really nice people in your neighbourhood.

Dogs Provide You with Companionship

You are never alone with a dog around. They are always ready to be with you, whether to walk, play, cuddle or sit contently at your feet. Dogs don't care what you look like, what you're wearing or how much you talk. You'll never be judged by your dog, only loved unconditionally.

Dogs Make You Laugh

They say laughter is the best medicine. Well you can count on your furry friends for that too! Dogs can be silly and they don't care who is looking. So smile, laugh and enjoy the benefits of your dog's silly antics.

Dogs Enrich Your Life

So next time you see your beloved dog, give him an extra pat on the head, a longer walk or that special treat or toy he loves to say thank you for making you a happier healthy person.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. This is so much more than i needed!!! but will all come in use thanks!!
