Friday, February 15, 2013

Useful Website - DOGHQ

We dog people all want to have friendly, healthy and happy dogs. And that’s also the goal of the DOGHQ website.

If you have a dog, you likely have a lot of questions. How do I stop certain behaviors? How do I become my dog’s leader? How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

DOGHQ is a website that provides a wiki like forum for questions and answers. You are welcome to ask questions relevant to the community. In turn, if you see questions that you can provide an answer for, you are encouraged to do so.

Many of the contributors of the site are professional trainers, veterinarians and breeders. And the users vote for the best answers so you can trust that you’re getting the best information possible.

Learn to have a dog that is obedient and good with family and strangers.  And how to curb certain unwanted behaviours such as excessive barking. Get advice on the best on nutrition, grooming and exercise. And discover the joy of playing with your dog, the best toys and how to properly socialize your dog with other pooches.

Start learning today.

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